1 Extra Settings 7 Do you want to change the current Monitor Refresh Frequency to the new one? 8 3D Blaster Monitor Refresh Frequency 9 3D Blaster's BlasterControl has restored the Monitor Refresh Frequency to the original state. 10 Monitor 11 60 Hz. 12 70 Hz. 13 72 Hz. 14 75 Hz. 15 Monitor Properties 16 Do you want to change the current Monitor Refresh Frequency to the new one? 17 &Yes 18 &No 19 3DBlaster BlasterControl 20 Windows will now change the Monitor Refresh Frequency for your monitor. This could take a few seconds, during which your screen will flicker. If Windows does not reappear correctly, wait 8 seconds, and the original Monitor Refresh Frequency will be restored. 21 Unable to open BCAPI.DLL 22 There could be a problem with the BCAPI.DLL 23 Unable to obtain the 3D Blaster display driver info.